Miteq has ensured that the entire range is available for the DIY user and therefore kept application and installation as simple as possible. You can find Miteq Product Overviews here to help with a more detailed application and preparation method. The following is not just for home owners but can be used as a general information guide from landscapers to builders and architects alike. The first thing to consider when looking to seal your stone product is what type of finish you want to achieve. Miteq offers a few different types of finishes, natural, wet look and enhanced. All of these will give you a different look and feel to your landscaped area. What you choose is entirely up to you.
NATURAL LOOK: Sealer 102, 103 and 104
Miteq natural look sealers have been developed to keep the look of the stone as you have chosen it. It will generally not alter the finish in any way (we do still recommend a trail to ascertain suitability). Available in both water based and solvent based, these sealers are designed to sit just below the surface and penetrate to a depth of around 3mm, remaining invisible to the eye while giving excellent stain resistance.
To decide whether you would apply the water based or the solvent based depends on the stone/paver and application and also the time of year.
Miteq Sealer 102
Miteq Sealer 102 has a large molecular size and therefore will not penetrate dense surfaces like certain Granites, Marble and Bluestone as readily as a solvent based sealer.
It is however excellent for Sandstone, Limestone and most concrete based products.
Miteq Sealer 102 has now reached the Green Building Council of Australia low VOC specification so is very safe for the environment. It can be applied over a damp surface which is extremely advantageous during wetter months. It also means you can clean and seal in one day (weather permitting).
Miteq Sealer 103 & 104
Miteq solvent based sealers, unlike water based, must be applied to a dry surface. If the solvent comes into contact with water during application or the curing period it will turn white. This result can have a detrimental effect on the performance of the coating and it may have to be replaced or re-coated. The resultant areas of damage can be removed but is best done by an approved applicator.
Solvent based sealers will generally penetrate most surfaces due to its smaller molecular size and therefore can be used on a wider availability of stone. Please be aware that we use a safer solvent than some in our manufacturing process but it is still advisable to wear a mask and gloves when using solvent based products.
There are two solvent based penetrative sealers available; Sealer 103 and Sealer 104. The difference between these is that of performance. Sealer 104 sits in our premium range of sealers and will slightly out perform Sealer 103 which will give high protection. For more information on which sealer is right for you will depend on cost, area to be sealed and type of stone.
It is important to note that while penetrating sealers are designed to help stain resistance they are in no way stain proof. If a spill occurs, please ensure you remove that spill before it gets the chance to stain. For best cleaning results refer to our maintenance page found here.
If you are unsure as to which product best suits your application please use the contact page found here for further guidance and information.
WET LOOK: Miteq Sealer 202
This type of sealer is designed to give the appearance of a “wet look” similar to that of water sitting on the surface. The sealer in this instance sits on the surface of the stone/paver as opposed to penetrating deep into the pores.
Sealer 202 remains, to this day, having an excellent TG rating. This is a glass transition rating (a method of technical measurement) that determines final cure strength.
With this in mind, Sealer 202 is a hard wearing, durable surface finish.
Sealer 202 is available in two different finishes being Gloss and Matt. A sample can be supplied to evaluate both types of finishes.
Sealer 202 can be supplied with a non-slip finish that has been tested to AS/NZ standards. The testing can be found here.
It is important to note that when applying acrylic sealers all moisture trapped in the substrate be allowed to evaporate prior to application. In instances where moisture remains below the substrate it can make its way through the capillaries to the surface and delaminate the sealer. The same can be said for a dirty or poorly prepared surface.
While this process is unsightly it can be fixed with minimal effort. Just remove any flaking sealer, allow to dry and re-apply the coating to specific area, being a solvent based coating it will reactivate the previous coating and bond new to old provided the surface is clean.
ENHANCED LOOK: Sealer 103 & 104 Colour Enhancer
Miteq Sealer 103 & 104 Colour Enhancer have been specifically designed to darken and enrich the colour of most natural and man made stone.
Both Sealers are penetrative and have been designed to be totally breathable which makes it ideal for use around pool areas where a “wet look” may not be suitable.
It is important to note that a trail be undertaken prior to application to ensure the product is suitable. In certain instances Sealer 103 & 104 Colour Enhancer has required three (3) coats to achieve a uniform finish.
We can be found at:
U1, 45-49 Popes Rd.
Keysborough, Victoria 3173
P: +61 3 9532 5747
F: +61 3 9798 5571
M: +61 438 315 138
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We can be found at:
U1, 45-49 Popes Rd.
Keysborough, Victoria 3173
P: +61 3 9532 5747
F: +61 3 9798 5571
M: +61 438 315 138
sales –
[email protected]
accounts –
[email protected]
manufacturing –
[email protected]