BR 128

BR128 is a solventless impregnation product designed to bind and consolidate building and paving products that can be affected by salt attack

BR128 is designed to penetrate deep into the capillaries of the chosen construction material. BR 128 forms a glass-like silica gel binder designed to aid in consolidation, particularly against salt attack from both ground and pool water.

BR 128 is a one pack system with a low-molecular weight which enables deep penetration into the substrate. The pores are not sealed which means the treated material maintains its water vapour permeability.

Once over coated with Miteq Sealer 104, a 10yr (ten) warranty applies provided that the installation is completed by an applicator approved by Miteq.

BR 128 is available in 5ltr and 20ltr containers.

Directions for use

Remove any contamination by steam cleaning. In some cases, where the material is already becoming friable, steam cleaning may not be possible.

It is, however, possible to consolidate before hand to prevent any substance loss. The material can be then cleaned and the main consolidation can take place.

Ensure that the area to be treated is protected against direct sunlight prior to treatment. If BR128 absorbs too much heat, the product will evaporate quickly and penetration depth will be affected.

BR128 can be applied by way of spraying, brushing or dipping. Large areas should be treated with spraying equipment.

Final hardness is achieved in two weeks.

Coverage will depend on substrate but can range between 1ltr/m2 to 15ltr/m2. It is recommended a trail area be done to ascertain suitability and coverage.

Shelf life – 12 months in unopened containers.

This product has been tested through the CSIRO with excellent results gained on salt attack.

Read all warnings.

Product Technical Data

Material Safety Data

VOC Testing

We can be found at:

U1, 45-49 Popes Rd.
Keysborough, Victoria 3173

P: +61 3 9532 5747
F: +61 3 9798 5571

M: +61 438 315 138

sales –
[email protected]

accounts –
[email protected]

manufacturing –
[email protected]
